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from $50

Get a pre-made ebook cover for $50 only, or commission an original cover for $60 only!

paperback upgrade

+ $30

Upgrade your ebook cover to a paperback for an additional $30 only!

promotional graphics

from $15

Add social media promotional graphics to your package starting from an additional $15 only!

Meet the Designer


Viano Oniomoh is a reader, writer, and artist who was born and raised in Nigeria.


When she first started posting her writing online on wattpad, designing her own covers was a requirement; a skill she has immensely enjoyed honing over the past ten years. It also helps that she obtained a BA (Hons) in Architecture and Design from The University of Manchester in 2015.


Thanks to her background in self-publishing, Viano aims to provide affordable book covers for marginalised authors like herself who are in need.


You can learn more about her at her website, or follow her on twitter.​

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